Hand Drawn Dahlia Flower Illustration

Wed - Thur 5p - 10p

Fri - Sat 11:30a - 10p

Sun 11:30a - 9p

Menu available for Dine in, Pick Up, & Delivery

Dahlia Flower Line Illustration

At the turn of the last century,

“Out the road” was a rural cattle & farming area that grew into a neighborhood here in the Portola District; Populated by hard-working laborers, grocers, railroad workers, farmers, fishermen, & sailors from all over the world. We chose the name for this gathering place to celebrate

their contributions to

San Francisco culture & the vibrant personality of the Portola.

Available for Dine in, Pick Up, & Delivery

We welcome walk-ins at all times but if you are looking for a table for a group of 6+, we recommend giving us a call so that we can save one of our larger tables for you and your party:

(415) 766-5687

Interested in hosting a private event?

Reach out for more information:


Hand Drawn Dahlia Flower Illustration